So this past weekend was chill. Kutter came to town and us brothers all got to hang out for the first time since I left for cali. We ended up doing a bunch of random stuff and was very tired when it was all said and done. The night Kutter got in we got some food and then met Kolt back at my place. We went out to the beach so Kutter could see how close it was and walk around a little. Then we decided to go to 3rd street promenade to check out what was happening there. So we walked around there and saw some street performers and went into 1 of 5 hear music starbucks, they are pretty cool, you can make your own cds and stuff there. While we where there we saw some of the best street money making ever. These two guys used race to make money it was pretty funny at first then got old once people did not stop giving them more. Basically, they got there tips from the crowd and when they got a 5 they would say something like this.
Guy 1 "5 DOLLARS!!!"
Guy2 "Who gave you that 5 dollars?"
Guy1 "A RICH HISPANIC MAN!!!!" See this guy always yelled really loud for some reason.
Guy2 "Go Hispanics, are we going to let these Mexican win this, where are the white people, black people?"
Guy1 " 5 DOLLARS!!!"
Guy2 " Who gave you that 5 dollars?"
Guy1 "A Rich Black man!!"
and they proceeded to do this for 15 minutes, it was ridiculous that had to have made so much money. Anyways after they made tons of cash the finale was one of the guys doing some head spins, they where nice but nothin special. But we so happened to catch the first part of there show later, so that was cool.
So anyways, the next day we went disc golfing at the 2nd oldest course in the world, it was alot of fun, and Kutter of course won, and I barely pulled a win out over Kolt on the last whole, we aren't to great yet, we need a lot of practice.
Kutter and I then went to check out Fuller seminary while Kolt was getting ready for the game he could not play in since he has a pulled hamstring. So fuller was pretty nice, it is in a cool place, Pasadena, very nice area.
So we then watched kolts game and they killed the team, they weren't to great so it was pretty much a romping.
Now when you come to Cali, you have to go to In and Out so we went there fro dinner and ate. After that we went to Hollywood and walked around and saw some cool stuff there, there is alot of lights and big billboards and what not hanging around.
The next day we went to church cause Kutter wanted to see Mosaic the one I had been going to, it was pretty chill and we had a good time. Later that afternoon we headed down to Venice, where all the crazy people are hangin out, and if you like you have you choice of many activities, healings, palm readings, listening to local rap artist (who always try to get you to), and many other things. While we where there we checked out alot of shops and what not, but we saw the best street performer ever, in my opinion. He did all sorts of stuff and was hilarious. He balanced this girl on a chair on his chin, it was crazy, as well as blew fire and ate it and stuff. He also lit a cigarette and swallowed it, so after that he blew smoke out for a good minute or two, and then drank some water to stir it up a bit more, and blew more for a little longer. He was really cool and did all sorts of funny things.
Anyways that night we watched the broncos when there season opener at Elliots house and then went home. Kutter had to go home the next day and we had to get up at 5am to get to the airport on time. So we all had a really good time and it is always sad to see family leave, but it is all good, I will see them all soon enough. Peace