Also, I was thinking, if you are going to steel something like this, couldn't you just be a little more professional and be a little more clean. Seriously, they ripped my car to shreds there. The guy who came to appraise it said they really messed my car up and it usually is not that bad. When I got to my car, there was stuff all over the place, I cleaned it up a little and it looks much better now, as you can see in the pics. Basically, if they are going to steal this stuff then do it with some class, the appraiser said they looked like they didn't know what they were doing, NEWBS!! Also, to top off there classiness they even stumped low enough to take my excellent pair of fingernail clippers, JERKS!
Well to be honest, I am not upset, when something like this happens you realize you really didn't need that stuff anyways, so whatever, it could be worse. Anyways here it is.