Here is the view out my window. The big white buildings on the left is where my friend rich lives, they are very nice, and right on the beach.
And here is another, slightly looking to the right.
Here I am standing on ocean Ave, looking out to the ocean.
I am standing on the bridge going down the pier here, just to the left of the picture above. I like how the mountains are right on the ocea, it is sweet.
This is just a pic of the santa monica pier. The pics above would have been where that pier is, but there is a brigde that goes up to the right on it, and I took them up there.
And here I am just chilling under the pier, I wish my camera was better, cause the pics came out terrible.
Well, Hopefully soon enough I will get some pics up of my place, I just want to have it all together before I do, I know it might take forever, but soon enough I will.